White Chicken Chili


The cooler weather is coming and I’m so ready for the easy crockpot meals. This White Chicken Chili is the perfect blend of spices and cheeses to make your taste buds flip. The ingredients needed for this recipe are pretty much staples in my house and I hope yours too! Chicken, corn, beans, rotel, onion, […]

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Easy Kids Lunch Ideas for School

Hi everyone! It’s August and all the kiddos are going back to school and we know what that means, trying to figure out what to feed them while they’re there. I have come up with some quick easy lunch ideas that will be sure to make your life easier with a few lunch containers to […]

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August Family Dinner Plan

Hello Friends. I know it’s been a bit since I’ve shared my monthly meal plans with you all. I took the summer off to enjoy time with my family. I cannot wait to share those adventures with all of you. We had lots of visitors through out the summer. I even learned how to make […]

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Easy Lemon Chicken piccata

The first time I ever had Chicken Piccata was at a fancy restaurant in St. Louis, Missouri and I instantly fell in love with this dish. All the flavors, the textures, just everything! I always thought the only way I would ever get this dish again was to go to a “fancy” restaurant and order […]

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April’s Monthly Dinner Plan

I love all things Spring! The warm sunshine, the colorful flowers blooming and all the warmer days to bring on Summer. I don’t know about you but we love to cook outside as much as possible this time of year. Warm up the grill, enjoy the warm sun and cool breeze as long as we […]

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February Dinner Plan

Hello Friends! I don’t know about y’all but we have been off to a busy start this year. We have been painting our kitchen cabinets and replacing a lot of old and broken items throughout our new home. That will definitely be another post in the near future. Did you try any of the recipes […]

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January Dinner Menu

Happy New Year!!! This is the year, right?! The year we eat better, keep on top of our chores, work out, payoff debt and are far more organized than ever before. Well I can’t keep you to any of those promises, but I can help. I have found some easy recipes that will give you […]

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Aunt Mary’s Cheesy Spaghetti

When my sister and I were kids we would spend summers at my Great Aunt Mary’s house. I remember her always in the kitchen cooking up something delicious and I want to share with you one of my favorite meals that takes me back to those summers when I make it. Of course over the […]

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November Family Dinners

This month marks the 5th month since I have started Blue Jeans and Babies. I have shared 5 monthly dinner plans with you all. I hope they are helping someone with the nagging task of figuring out what to make for dinner. This month is no exception. I have planned a few easy meals to […]

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October Dinner Menu

Grab your warm soft sweaters and fuzzy slippers we’re about to get into cooler months. I don’t know about you, but when the weather gets cooler I eat hardy comforting meals and this months dinner menu implies all that. We are headed into the spooky month of the year and I have finished our menu […]

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